The Story Of Remedy Entertainment

I chose to write this post about Remedy Entertainment. It was formed in Finland and I am born and living now in Finland. This makes me somewhat proud because I loved Max Payne series and Alan Wake. I evenn played Death Rally back in the days. I am not so familiar with latest releases but I can believe that they are of high quality. Latest games that were released include Quantum Break and Control.

Remedy was formed in 1995 in initiative of Samuli Syvähuoko. It was based on Future Crew that was a demo group. Demos were small multimedia type programs that actually didn’t have any interaction so they weren’t full games or anything else you could play. Demos we’re developed by underground coders, graphic artist and electronic musicians. This scene was popular in Finland in the 80s.

Remedy started working in Syvähuokos parents garage and there was no salary offered to the team developing their first game. Their first game was called Highspeed. Apogee became interested in this game. So it was later released by Apogee. The name was changed to Death Rally as Apogee wanted at some more content to this game. This is also the first game of Remedy that I got my hands on. I remember playing this with keyboard that I shared with my friend. The game was good and very entertaining. It ended up selling over 100 000 copies. This was only the start for Remedy.

As Remedy was successfull they started to form ideas for new games. In 1996 they started to develop first game of Max Payne trilogy. The game was first introduced to public in 1998 at E3 fair. The game was 3D and it reminded of Tomb Raider. Max Payne was released 2001. I remember the first time that I played it and I remember it clearly. Graphics were good, games environment was appealling and “bullet time” had me shaking my head on how good the game actually was. I couldn’t understand how this kind of piece of art did actually come from my home country.

Max Payne became a brand. There were two more games released in this series and there was a movie called Max Payne also. So it was a big thing all over the world. Then came a game called Alan Wake. That I remember playing on PC and later on Xbox 360. The game was good but in my opinion it didn’t have same feeling in it as Max Payne, a police working in New York, had. Game was althought good and I liked it. So there was lots of work that they did together with Microsoft as Alan Wake was released only on Microsofts gaming systems (PC and Xbox 360). The year was 2010. Alan Wake sold about 4,5 million copies worldwide.

In 2013 Remedy was already working with Quantum Break which was finally released in 2016 to Xbox One and PC. It is the biggest production in history of Finnish videogame industry. After that they started working with their next game that was called Control. This game was released last year (2019) and was very anticipated by gaming fans all over the world.

I have been interested in gaming since beginning of nineties. Remedy makes me still proud as it was formed in Finland – my home country. It made me have fantasies of becoming a game developer. But I found out that I’m not the only one that wants to work there and it is a big company. I have to admit that since they have office in Finland I have submitted some job applications, believe it or not, there. It is very hard to get to work there and you definitely have to have talent and skills if you really want to work there. This might not be a surprise since I have a background in programming and Remedy is very popular company and even bigger in Finland.

Masters Of Doom (Book review)

This book is written by David Kushner. It tells story of two creators of doom and also about id software company that was formed by them. Moving from how they first got into computers and gaming during 1980s to how they created first Wolfenstein 3D on which Doom was technically based. Quake was released by id software. Book ends as these two game developers go their separate ways.

This book was very interesting to read. I even borrowed it to a friend of mine who has been playing games like Doom nd Quake for many years. I can recommend it to someone who is interested in history of first person shooters and computers games as general. I think this book can also be interesting for people that make games themselves.

I have a pocket book edition and I bought the book for a bit under 20 euros. You can propably find more interesting books from my book shelves that have something to do about gaming. They include a book about Nintendo (and Super Mario), a history of SEGA company and some books about role playing games and these are just the ones that first come to my head. So…stay tuned and drop a comment if you want me to write more about gaming books.

I don’t want to rate this book. I also don’t want to make this a commercial so I won’t give a direct link to some web shop. You should find the book, if you actually want to invest in it, by writer and name but the ISBN number is 978-0-7499-2489-8. And remember to borrow from library or check if you can find a copy that is used. Thank you for reading and til the next post.

History of survival horror games

In this blog post I am going to tell you my experinces about survival horror games. I first started getting in to this genre by playing Resident Evil. I haven’t palyed so many of any earlier games. I know there must be some games that are somehow related but we are concentrating on more modern ones here.

Alone In The Dark influenced very much Resident Evil which then again inspired some elements to Silent Hill. Resident Evil and Silent Hill series were more popular ones inside this genre. We have also games as Forbidden Siren and Clock Tower.

Resident Evil, released 1996, brought anxiety to gamers with camera angels, too low amount of ammo and ability to save rarely. These effects are not so common inside horror games today. So you might find it interesting to try to play some of these older RE games of this series. My favourites are parts one and two.

Silent Hill challenged RE at the end of 90s. In this series there were lots of games released and many of them were released as PS2 games. It’s sad that we haven’t seen new SH games after, I think, Downpour. I recommend first, second and third but you may find some other games also to be very interesting.

PlayStation 2 had a lots of good survival horror games that had all their own different flavours. Some modern survival horror games include Resident Evil 7, remakes of 2 and 3, released soon, Evil Within (of which I have no experience) and Until Dawn. The Last Of Us has to be mentioned also. I myself have a PS4 version of this great game.

If you are looking to find more games of this genre and discover the roots of this survival horror gaming you might find some more earlier games that I haven’t covered here. I focused on games released after Alone In The Dark. Please leave a comment if you will and you can also share some links if you wish. Thank you for your time and we will return for more reading in next blog post!

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