Types of Games I Am Interested in Right Now

So, I am writing this next blog post about types of games, new and retro, and also gaming systems that I am right now interested in. I will also tell you my view on what are some popular devices right now. I am also trying to give you an idea of what games and gaming consoles are popular and also yet to be released. I am trying to give you an idea of what I am looking forward to inside gaming.

This posts featured image gives you a clear picture of some of games I have recently acquired. It’s all Xbox. I have here two games for Xbox 360, four for original Xbox and one also for Xbox Series X. I have ordered also some other types of games. I ordered recently two survival horror games for PS2. Those were Forbidden Siren and Resident Evil – Code Veronica X. I also bought NBA 2K23 for Series X.

Also I have to mention that I got a game for PS2 titled Ecco The Dolphin – Defender of The Future. I also got Luigi’s Mansion for Nintendo Switch. I have to mention also Final Fantasy VI for PS1. I actually play this now on my silver PS2 console. And I have one more game that I have purchased recently. That game is Metroid Prime Remastered and it is for Switch.

So these are games that I have bought recently. There’s quite a lot of them. I almost forgot that I got also some Sega Master System games. These are very cool games. They can bring you lots of nostalgia. They represent the 8-bit era of gaming and they were released in 1980s. These titles were Psycho Fox, Wonder Boy and Super Space Invaders. I play these games with my Retro Trio console that can play Sega Mega Drive games but also Master System games because I have an adapter for that.

If we talk about retro for a while I can say that I have plenty of games in that category. I have that Retro Trio console that can play NES, SNES and Mega Drive games. I have two adapters –  Master System adapter and a SNES adapter for Game Boy games. I also have a mini console that I can play Mega Drive games on. It is the first release of Mega Drive Mini. I haven’t had a chance to get into Mega Drive mini’s sequel.

I also play PlayStation 1 and 2 games. I have also my eyes on Nintendo GameCube games. They are a bit rare right now and most games are a bit expensive. I would like to get more consoles. I have been interested in Saturn and DreamCast. I have also Game Boy Color that represents my handheld part of my game collection. I don’t have a single game on Game Boy Color. I would like to get a Pokemon game some day. For NES I have plenty of games and the same goes to SNES. For Mega Drive I have several games mostly because I owned these already back in the day when it was the most popular consolle.

That’s it about what do I currently have and also things I have recently got. What are the things inside gaming that I would like to have? We can start from two new games that haven’t been released yet. These are Diablo IV and Forza Motorsport. I do know that there are many other interesting games coming at us this year. One game that I am a bit interested in is Final Fantasy XVI. That might be interesting.

For SNES and NES I mainly keep my focus on loose cartridges.The same goes with Game Boy games. They are a bit cheaper. I am not a person that looks for cardboards for these types of games. I do like PC big box games and that’s one more category I am collecting for. There are somne legendary titles mainly for NES that I would like to add to my collection. There are lots of nice shoot-em-ups for SNES and Mega Drive. I find those also interesting.

I am also looking for original Xbox titles. I currently don’t have original Xbox in my setup. I do have Xbox 360 and it can play original Xbox games. It doesn’t play all of them, however. I like to pick games that you can play with my X360. I have an intention also to get some a bit rare and kind of hidden gems for PS2. I am aiming for games that aren’t so expensive.

Which games are expensive today? Which games you can right now get some good money from? I would say that GameCube is popular. I have seen many games and consoles for sale lately. Eternal Darkness is popular. Also Silent Hill and especially the first three games are popular. System Shock 2 as a big box is popular. In overall I have observed that these prices have gone up in just five years.

I suggest that you keep your games to yourself. If you do need some money you can sell a game or two. If you aren’t palying them and if you aren’t even displaying them it might be a good idea to sell them. You can turn to your local game store or sell them for some person. In Finland we have at least two channels for selling your games (Huuto dot net and Tori dot fi). You can get a better price by selling your used games to some person instead of a gaming store (which is very understandable).

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