Where to go next with this hobby of collecting retro games?

piles of video games

I have been collecting retro games for what…like 8 years or so. I do have been playing video games for much longer, but in 2017 I remmeber starting to plan about a television setup that would include at least 8 consoles and our 32 inch Full HD television. We moved in 2018 and that was when I actualized this plan.

It all started with collecting retro games when I decided to get my Sega Mega Drive back from my parents apartment. I also at same time got an old PlayStation 2 from my wife’s parents. I also bought an original Xbox, PlayStation 1 and also Xbox 360. This was the beginning of my retro gaming hobby.

I have been buying physical games like Super Mario Bros 3 for NES and many others like this that I do remember from the past years. This makes me to have these nostalgic feelings and also makes me to remember better where we actually came from when it comes to playing video games.

My setup has changed a bit over time. I have now a 55 inch 4K television. Also I have had to move some consoles to storage because they broke down. I have also bought more consoles. The latest device I bought was Raspberry Pi 5. So, I do play nowadays also emulated video games. But I think there is something special about old physical games and consoles. They just have this unique feel. And they can be valuable in many ways in the future.

I am moving today more towards emulation. I have spent a lot of money in video games all in all. It was a bit of a disappointment for me that my PS2, original Xbox and also my Xbox 360 all broke down and since I am not so good at electronical repairing I cannot myself repair them. This is the matter that matters the most when we are talking about this move towards emulation.

Now, copying games isn’t currently legal. At the same time we are not getting to play all retro games, these old games, that nobody seems to think that they would have value. This is something that I would like for every hobbyist and also professional in the field to think about.

I do have my newer consoles: Xbox Series X, Nintendo Switch and also PS4. I am excited at this moment about new releases and some remakes. I am waiting for Switch 2 and I think we are getting some more information about it in the beginning of April this year (2025). I didn’t buy a Steam Deck. At least I didn’t do so yet. I am going to buy a new desktop PC because my current PC is old and isn’t going to be compatible with Windows 11. I have considered moving to Linux but I think I am not going to actually move on to it.

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